Certified Scrum Master(CSM/SMPC/SFC/SFPC) with over 17 years experience in Software Development and Project Management internationally (USA, Chile and Bolivia).
I manage agile development teams to banks, telecommunications and e-commerce companies.
I developed software projects: petroleum, financial, administrative management and business intelligence for renowned companies worldwide(PriceWaterhouseCoopers, WoltersKlumber, Tumomo.com, TIGO, 3GMotion, British Gas and Banco Fassil).
Professor of Postgraduate Courses teaching courses in Agile Methodologies such as Lean, Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban.
Autodidact with initiative and ability to connect with people; coordination and management skills and results-oriented goals.
Enthusiastic collaborator in Scrum Bolivia Day 2012-2013-2015-2016, Regional Scrum Gathering 2014 and Scrum Peru 2016. Moderator and Speaker on online events of ScrumLatam Community 2021-2022.
Husband and father of two children, motivated by Gospel Latin music and singing.